“Money Heist” fans! Get ready for “Berlin,” a brand-new spin-off series that will explore the vivid life of the infamous character portrayed by Pedro Alonso before his terminal diagnosis and the Spanish Mint siege. This won’t be a mere glimpse into his past, but a full-fledged immersion into his golden age! Say goodbye to flashbacks and get ready to delve deep into the character’s intriguing backstory.
We can expect the show to be filled with thrilling action, unexpected plot twists, and an in-depth exploration of the character’s complex personality. So, get ready to join Berlin on his journey, and witness the events that shaped him into the iconic character we all know and love.
What happens in Berlin web series
Before the Professor assembled his crew for the Royal Mint heist, there was Berlin. This spin-off series dives into the vivid life of the notorious character (Pedro Alonso) long before his terminal diagnosis and Spanish Mint siege. Get ready for a prequel overflowing with audacious heists and the golden age of a truly unforgettable criminal.
“Berlin” takes us back to the golden age of the titular character, before the exciting events of Money Heist. Instead of flashbacks, we witness Berlin in his prime, pulling off his most extravagant heist yet. It’s fueled by his “crazy love” and audacious ambition. This isn’t just a prequel, it’s a full-blown immersion into the early life of a legendary criminal.
Their plan involves stealing 63 royal jewels from 34 cities, all in a single afternoon, which is an unprecedented feat in the world of theft. The team has identified the most valuable jewels from each city, including diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, and devised a meticulous plan for their heist
Pedro Alonso in Berlin 2023 © Netflix
When will Berlin be released on Netflix?
Netflix is set to release BERLIN, a character from the popular series Money Heist, on December 2023. This heist is as alluring as a love story and is sure to captivate fans
What is the main cast of Netflix's "Berlin" series?
Pedro Alonso as Andrés de Fonollosa, aka Berlin: Reprising his iconic role from Money Heist, Pedro Alonso takes center stage as Berlin, the flamboyant, selfish, and brilliant master thief at the series’ heart.
- Michelle Jenner as Keila:
- Tristán Ulloa as Damián
- Begoña Vargas as Cameron
- Julio Peña Fernández as Roi
- Joel Sánchez as Bruce
- Rodrigo de la Serna as Palermo
- Álvaro Morte as El Profesor
- Diana Gómez as Tatiana
Pedro Alonso,Michelle Jenner,Tristán Ulloa ,Begoña Vargas,Julio Peña,Joel Sánchez,Rodrigo de la Serna,Álvaro Morte,Diana Gómez
“Ten things can make a terrible day wonderful. Love isn’t one; my third wife left. A haul of ten million euros isn’t either, as we plan a much bigger heist. But bad days can turn men miserable and violent. This is just how the first episode starts
How many episodes are there in Berlin?
There are 8 episodes in Berlin Season 1. All episodes were released on Netflix in December 2023, so you can enjoy them all now! Here are the titles of the episodes, in case you’re curious:
- The Energy of Love
- Anchor and Lobo
- Full House of Embryos
- An Aquarium on Your Back
- After Love
- Night of the Lemons
- The Last Virgin in the Western Love
- An Endangered Elephant
“Love and loss, redemption and rage – Berlin had witnessed them all. As he took his final bow, a haunting question lingered in the air: are we the monsters we create, or the ghosts we leave behind? Choose your path carefully, for history’s echo whispers, and the next act is yours to write.”